Can anyone help sort out the Brents please, especially William Brent's parents. Also with the Deans.
Frank Brent born Keighley 1910, married
Mary Elizabeth Dean born Halifax 1907 (both deceased.)
Frank Brent
is born to William Edward 'Brent' ?
and Clara Frank (no problems here)
William Edward 'Brent's mother is Fanny Brent (Brent by birth) no record of a birth cert for William Edward 'Brent' can be found. However in the census for William it states about 1874 Manchester and or Lancashire ??? Some people trees name Williams father as George Willaim Brent but I cant find any reference to this name on any census.
Fanny had a lot of children! One of her lodgers in one census became a Brent and head in the next... maybe she had an aversion to changing her name? She was born abt 1852 Bratton Wiltshire. John Brent and Sarah Wolfe were apparently her parents . And when she was 9 (1861) she appears on a census with her maternal grandparents. (Issac Wolfe and Elizabeth Wolfe)
All of this is fine but the blood line goes through William and I don't know who his father is.... think it might remain a mystery.
Mary Elizabeth Dean
is born to Fred Dean whose mother was Mary Ann Dean and father not named on birth cert. I have a copy and its just blank where the father should be.
Fred Dean appears to have grown up with a family called Crowther and there is a family tree that names George E Crowther as the father although he is married to someone else. Mary Ann lived with her father Alfred Dean and her birth mother was Ruth ?? (have requested her birth cert) but the family disappear for the 1861 census and return in 1871 where Alfred (sometimes dean with an e on the end ) is with a woman called Ann. His daughter to Ruth Mary Ann is there and there are two son in laws by the surname of Scott????? aged 17 and 15 !!!!!! On the next census Alfred is with a woman called Mary and no sign of the Scott boys
Thank you