Does this look like William George and William Thomas in 1911?
Name: William Thomas Richards
Age in 1911: 15
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1896
Relation to Head: Son
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Eastleigh, Hampshire, England
Civil parish: Yiewsley
County/Island: Middlesex
Country: England
Street Address: 3 Yule Villas, Fairfield Road, Yiewsley S O, Yiewsley, Middlesex
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Upholster Apprentice
Registration district: Uxbridge
Registration District Number: 127
Sub-registration district: Hillingdon
ED, institution, or vessel: 6
Household schedule number: 25
Piece: 6763
Household Members:
Name Age
William G Richards
Sarah Elizabeth Richards
William Thomas Richards
Ivy Rosa Richards
Olive Lily Richards
Dorothy Catherine Richards
Honor Pearl Richards
The tree also says that William Thomas married Elizabeth on the date we have but married in a Church St Mary's High Stree Harmondsworth
I found a marriage William George to a Sarah Elizabeth Hedges Dec qtr 1894 S Stoneham (hamps) 2c 157 on FBMD - also could be married to A Goergiana barabra Pearce.
I know this does not help with the parents - the tree gives William George's mother as unknown, with father Edwin who was married first to a Lousisa Osbourne and had numerous children. Unfortunatkey there are no primary records cited like birth certificates, marriage etc.
It would be helpful to know where your info came from and what primary sources you have for it
From 1886 to 1894 I found six other marriages of a William george Richards on FBMD -
The 1911 census had William Thomas aged 15 - and birth would be 1896 - not 1894 - and borth palce Eastleigh Hants.
I will keep fossicking